We draw a parallel with rental housing We’ve been unable to find any “ how-to” manual on how to be a landlord, operate a…
Under fair housing proposals being floated, landlords would have to accept guarantors on behalf of unqualified tenants The Fair Employment and Housing Council is…
With a wealth of experience in tenant buyout agreements during every era and in every Bay Area locale, Bornstein Law is uniquely positioned to…
AB-1436 is the latest attempt to rewrite laws under the banner of COVID When Governor Newsom gave the green light for counties and cities…
Early on in the public health emergency, many rental property owners felt left to the wayside. With newfound police powers, many municipalities ushered in…
In what would be one of the biggest expansions of San Francisco eviction protections in decades, the Board of Supervisors unanimously approved an ordinance…
Coined the “Fair Chance” ordinance, lawmakers in Berkeley have introduced a measure that would prohibit landlords from conducting criminal background checks in vetting most…
From time to time, servicemembers and housing law intersect and with newfound protections afforded to the men and women in uniform, Bornstein Law wanted…
It is the responsibility of both the landlord and the tenant to maintain a habitable dwelling, but when there is a breakdown in communication,…
COPA will give “qualified nonprofits” a right of first offer and the right of first refusal when an owner decides to sell a multifamily…
Bornstein Law warned the rental property industry that the defeat of Costa-Hawkins repeal would by no means deflate resilient tenant advocates who would surely…
There’s been much news swirling around Section 8 housing, whether in Washington, the California statehouse or in the City by the Bay, where years…
At Bornstein Law, we’ve always likened litigation to a game of tug of war – the harder each side tries to win and pulls…
Editorial note: In this new “offbeat” section of our blog, we attempt to make sense of nonsense, taking on odd and humorous news before…
Redwood City’s newly minted minimum lease requirements and relocation payment assistance ordinances read a little like a prenuptial agreement, depending on how long the…
There are tenants with many horror stories to tell about irresponsible landlords and the menagerie of shocking abuses are often plastered in the headlines.…